Dear Baby Boy,
I just thought I'd let you know that we are all ready for your arrival. We've been workin' hard to make sure you have everything you need when you get here...
Here's Dad hanging some lanterns for your nursery
You and me organizing your tiny clothes (that are hard to fold)
We've got everything packed and ready to go to the hospital
Most of the bags are from meets back in the day. One was from regionals when I was 12 and one from Western Nationals when I was 18... and now they're filled with stuff for the hospital to have my first baby :) Life flies by. Obviously the Monsters aren't for me... or you.
So now we're all ready for ya and are just impatiently waiting. It's harder to wait now that we've got everything ready to go.
You have a place to come home in the car
You have a place to sleep
You have a place to eat
You have a place to get changed
You have a place to get clean
... and a place to dry off
You have a place to play
And a place to chill ;)
Soon we'll have pics of all these things + you :)
Can't wait!