Well! It's been a while. But I have been keeping up with this pregnancy pretty well via Instagram. Here's how much we're growing:
These last couple months have been pretty rough. I thinking chasing your brother around makes things a little harder physically. Last pregnancy I remember my feet really hurting. I don't notice that as much this time, but everything else hurts way more, especially my hips! Waking up in the morning is giving me a good idea of what the future holds for my 80 year old self ;)
Getting very excited to meet you. I got a little basket for all your tiny socks today. This week I think we will install your car seat and pack a hospital bag!
Braxton Hicks are picking up. We had one weird night where I was having them quite often and they were slightly uncomfortable. We even started timing just to make sure we shouldn't see the Dr. They seemed normal the next day, though so all is well :)
You seem pretty busy in the evenings. Hopefully you don't have your days and nights mixed up! Not quite as active as Jonathan was, if I'm remembering right.
Bought you a bunch of stuff at a big sale in town. You will be born in a much different climate than Jonathan, so I needed some warm and cozy things for my Winter baby :)
Your brother likes to give my belly kisses (or raspberries, rather) and thinks my big ol' belly button is funny, but doesn't understand that his new little best bud is the cause of this beer belly, extra tired mommy.
I can't believe you're a boy! For some reason I was just convinced you were a pretty little girl in there but you're a strapping young man haha. Very young.
Dad and I waiting to find out:
After we found out that you had "outdoor plumbing", as the Dr. put it, we finished up, the Dr. left and Dad walked over and said "Well, I know his name.". I laughed because I thought he was going to say something goofy. We hadn't even once discussed boy names yet because Jonathan took us soooo long and we just didn't want to open the boy name can of worms again until we knew your gender.
... and he just said "Joshua Caleb". And I said "I love it."
Bam. Done. I could NOT BELIEVE that it was that easy, but it's a done deal now - we've already started the hashtag ;)
During the ultrasound, the Dr. said "maybe you can name this one Caleb". I didn't get it, but your dad figured out that she probably thought that Jonathan's name was Joshua and that our second could be Caleb. That gave Dad the idea, and it works perfectly with the Jonathan David dynamic duo theme!
That night we had a gender reveal party with the fam. I made a cake that was blue inside so that everyone would know your gender as soon as we cut it.
Baby! Here's me trying to do an update and your brother being a big stinker! I forgot to post this after I took it so the post date is a few weeks off :)
Hi, Baby! We had our first appointment the other day and it went really well! I have a new doctor and was so hoping I would like her (Juliette), and I do! She is very nice and I'm so happy :) We got to take a peek at ya and low and behold... you're adorable! Your heart rate was 153 BPM. Thats about what Jonathan's was most of my pregnancy with him. You were moving around and made it a little tricky for her to get good pics. Here are a couple:
You facing us with puppy dog hands
Profile (You haven't grown legs yet ;)
They gave me a new due date. I had been calculating January 4th (Auntie Anna's birthday) but based on your growth they are thinking January 1st. Pretty cool due date! They said everything was looking good which was a relief for me. I had been starting to get a little anxious for a Dr. appointment after 13 weeks. The Dr. asked me if I wanted to know if you were a boy or girl which I DID!... but dad wasn't with me and I wanted us to find out together so we have to wait a couple more months. If you are a boy, it will be so fun for Jon to have a little buddy. If you're a girl, we will be so excited for a new, pink adventure! So, ya know, no pressure :) Be what you are haha.
So glad that I got to see you and you are healthy and I already can't wait to meet you!!!
Dear Baby #2, Hate to label you as a number at this point but it's either that or whatever fruit size you are this week (lemon). Anna calls you Liz this week for Liz Lemon. She did that with Jon too. Here I am being your typical second-time mom and getting started on this a little later in the game. This is my last week of my first trimester so I had better get you all caught up! (posting this a little late)
Finding Out
Your daddy & brother and I went on a long Idaho exploration RV trip in April to see our state and visit Grandma and Grandpa. Although we weren't expecting to be pregnant so quick I had a faint feeling in the back of my mind that I could be. I was a little extra tired and... late (I'll tell you when you're older ;) Turned out not to be a problem that I had forgotten to pack some toiletries rather pertinent to that particular week ;). I watched my Mt. Dew intake just in case. So, of course, as soon as I got home I couldn't wait to take a test and the test said "Ready or not, here comes #2!" I didn't tell Dad that night. The next day, Jon and I went out and searched high and low for a "BIG BROTHER" shirt. We tried 4 different stores and finally found one that was rather large but it worked. I put it on him when we got home to see how long it would take Dad to notice... he didn't haha. I had to ask him how he like baby Jon's new shirt aaaaaaand he loved it :)
Telling Friends and Family
We told the rest of the family at Jon's first birthday party (Grandma and Grandpa Garcia and Auntie Hannah skyped in). Grandma Jane was there too! I put the shirt in one of the birthday gifts so everyone would see when he opened it. It took everyone a minute, but they were so excited to hear the news! The grandmas said they already had a hunch ;) And of course Dad's big contribution (Well, other big contribution teehee) - the public reveal.
"Life with a toddler is pretty crazy, so we thought we'd throw another one in the mix!"