Saturday, September 13, 2014

Summer '14

Jonathan's first ride (Silverwood trip with Grandma and Grandpa Garcia)

Jonathan and Ellie are such little buds. They are the only little "people" in the fam right now and love playing together!

Dad's always coming up with fun games

24 weeks with Joshua

I'm really bad at thinking of things to say about the pregnancy once I've started recording.

Some things that I failed to mention:

Lots of movement lately and now I can feel it from the outside :) One of my favorite feelings ever!

The fall weather is nice, but it also means more shoe tying which is no bueno these days. Still keeping those toes painted though ;)

Grumpy Cat Freeze Frame

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Pink or Blue?

Hi, Baby Boy!!! 
*Spoiler Alert*

I can't believe you're a boy! For some reason I was just convinced you were a pretty little girl in there but you're a strapping young man haha. Very young.

Dad and I waiting to find out:

After we found out that you had "outdoor plumbing", as the Dr. put it, we finished up, the Dr. left and Dad walked over and said "Well, I know his name.". I laughed because I thought he was going to say something goofy. We hadn't even once discussed boy names yet because Jonathan took us soooo long and we just didn't want to open the boy name can of worms again until we knew your gender.

... and he just said "Joshua Caleb". And I said "I love it."

Bam. Done. I could NOT BELIEVE that it was that easy, but it's a done deal now - we've already started the hashtag ;)

During the ultrasound, the Dr. said "maybe you can name this one Caleb". I didn't get it, but your dad figured out that she probably thought that Jonathan's name was Joshua and that our second could be Caleb. That gave Dad the idea, and it works perfectly with the Jonathan David dynamic duo theme!

That night we had a gender reveal party with the fam. I made a cake that was blue inside so that everyone would know your gender as soon as we cut it.